In 2021 the ESCA working group on Air Quality has started a series of lectures. Here we share the slides and recording of the first lecture titled Citizen science with common PM2.5 sensors Nova SDS011 and Sensirion SPS30 by Joost Wesseling.
Slides and mentimeter
Slides of lecture - citizen science with common PM2.5 sensors Nova SDS011 and Sensirion SPS30 by Joost Wesseling 07-05-2021 Slides of lecture - citizen science with common PM2.5 sensors Nova SDS011 and Sensirion SPS30 by Joost WesselingPDF | 6,49 MB
Mentimeter outcome ECSA lecture on 7 May 2021 07-05-2021 Mentimeter outcome ECSA lecture on 7 May 2021PDF | 1,49 MB